Getting Started


Installing a flatpickr module

flatpickr is delivered primarily via npm.

Bower users: please use

# using npm install
npm i flatpickr --save

Non-module environments

If, for any reason, you are constained to a non-module environment (e.g. no bundlers such as webpack) - don’t fret. I suggest simply pulling the latest version of flatpickr from jsdelivr.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>


If you’re using a bundler, e.g. webpack, you’ll need to import flatpickr.

// commonjs
const flatpickr = require("flatpickr");

// es modules are recommended, if available, especially for typescript
import flatpickr from "flatpickr";

All of the following are valid ways to create flatpickr instance.

// If using flatpickr in a framework, its recommended to pass the element directly
flatpickr(element, {});

// Otherwise, selectors are also supported
flatpickr("#myID", {});

// creates multiple instances

Configuration is optional and passed in an object {}.


If you have jQuery, flatpickr is available as a plugin. Simply
